
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Beer clown

The rat claimed he was getting Heineken beer to sponsor an event.

Brett paid for the event himself and the sponsorship NEVER happened.

What a surprise.

How many lies can you count in this blog alone?

Anybody got any cheese?

Note: the women are standing away from him laughing in the back round.


  1. The 1 Suit Wonder....lol.

    The Twerk Master...lol.

    Bust those Moves XJ! LOL

    You know he bought that suit at some ghetto clothing store on Chgo's west or south side. They must have laughin their ass of at that wigger trying to act like a under cover brother.

    Anybody know how Chgo001 aka Jimmy is doing? He was a cool dude.


    1. Jimmy the drunken contruction worker?

      He may be dead by now from liver failure.

      Like most of the others he faded away and does not talk to Steve...ever.

    2. The suits be bought from catalogs mail order.

      Like $50 + shipping.

      He then bought the other ghetto accessories at a hood rat shop.

      The shoes are plastic snake print @ 19.95 a pair.

      The real Gator shoes he speaks of are $600 a pair so of course he could never get those.
