
Sunday, February 2, 2014

Shutdown once again

Looks like someone did some digging to comment on this one. now if his comments don't SCREAM desperate then I don't know what does.
Since this woman lives a bit closer to Steve it seems as if he might be trying to get a sniff from her since  he can't get anything from anyone else but notice how she thanks him as her "dear friend" ..friendzoned  once again.


  1. Going into the archives of 2010 to comment on her posts?

    Sweet desperation and trolling begging for a sniff with no takers.

  2. Trolling online. He always was a troll. He has the nerve to say other spend "too much time online" hell he lives and breaths by it. Even while sleeping his will wake to the IM or email chime or his phone pinger to notify him of new messages. He's quite sick and obsessive.
