
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The rat: Pervert degenerate reprobate.

The rat is known for cam wanking and other disturbing behaviors.

Posting his perverted sex talk from the comfort of his telemarketing cubicle.

He wanks dreaming of days gone by when he had money to pay for hookers lol.


  1. That man is definitely sick in the head Stay the hell away from him

  2. "The couple that plays together, stays together"? Really? And how many divorces and failed relationships has this delusional clown accumulated in his miserable life? He is in NO position to preach to anyone about what makes for a "healthy relationship".

  3. Agreed Brett. He has 3 failed marriges and it's so bad now he fabricates relationships that don't even exist.

    Photo ops and trickery are favorites of his to fool others.

    The whore Michele Williams hung around for use of his car and cash.

    Even after she had dumped him and was prego by another man he still posted pics and boasted an engagement.

    Sick and delusional piece of shit.
