
Friday, July 19, 2013

More staged photos

Surprise visit?

Um you mean stalking lmao.

Ya more staged pics from the rat with women who won't date him.

He is her "buddy" that means sorry you don't quite meet my idea of a mate but we can be friends lmao. ( platonic aka non sexual aka you aint gettin none)

No pussy for rats.


  1. Good Lord, he looks terrible. Notice the Bulls jersey is all sweaty. He lives in fantasy land if he ever thinks he's going to get a young hottie.

    He used to preach in his groups about how the younger babes all want older men nowadays.

    1. Correct Gerald and not much has changed.

      The rat fancies himself as a prize catch to all women and of course the 18 to 23 year olds are all standing in line to date him.

      In 20 years of trolling media he still can't find a mate.

      Wonder why?

  2. He deleted it so she would not complain.

  3. His happiness?

    That is a term only the rat uses.

    It was a fake post from a fake FB page posted by him.

    You know the alias of a previously banned wanker he always talks about?

    Ya it's him.

    No one else uses the terms.

    He's manic but when he gets excited be becomes another person Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde shit, very scary.

  4. I agree.

    I had seen the same behavior.

    The dude pays a whore to hang around after years of being alone.

    Suddenly he is Gods gift to humanity and knows everything about everything is 7feet tall and bullet proof.

    Telling people what to do and how to have relationships.

    Telling people they are not fit for his special type of relationship.

    Then is all ends and he is alone with even less friends.

    People who would listen to his bullshit and whining are now gone.

  5. With his nasty halitosis butt breath I'm sure she doesn't want to get very close let alone be kissing him.

  6. What does it say about a 60 year old man who has no friends, like zero?

    What does it say about a 60 year old man who sponges off his own parnets but argues to justify it?

    What does it say about a 60 year old man who has nothing to show for his 60 years?

    What does it say about a 60 year old man who is a wanted deadbeat dad and tax cheat?

  7. Being put in the "friends" catagory means you have no chance at romance or sex.

    Bottom feeders like him will pine for these women and continue to delude themseleves into thinking one day they will get some.

    It never happens.

    Then again if I lloked like him I would be grateful to even get a sniff let alone a relationship lol.
