
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Fan mail:


This little porker shot her mouth off when confronted about supporting the rat and his group.

She lashed out like a big shot shooting her fat mouth off.

Now several months later is crying for the post to be removed lmao.

Be careful of the company you keep online and off line.

As a matter of public content we can and will use any content we choose.

She lies repeatedly and denies she was ever in the rat group but I have screen shots.

Nothing here is unlawful or illegal.

Got a problem with it?

Sue me.


  1. Read that bullshit?

    She responded saying "it's doesn't matter it's only facebook".

    Well if it's "only facebook" why are you worried about it?

    Oh it doesn't matter unless it involves you correct?

    1. Next time I bet she won't be so quick to pop off like a know-it-all.
