
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Banned for no reason

Today we see he's banning people just because they don't like Chicago.

He can't handle anyone saying anything that opposes his opinion even slightly.

In person he gets shut down even by black women.

He runs away with his rat tail between his legs.

He says nothing in the real world because he is nothing.

Just a spineless coward and deadbeat dad hiding behind a computer in an attempt to feel in control.


  1. The city has a nice downtown area for tourist value.

    Ass cold in winter with snow and rain.

    Murder rate is highest in the nation.

    He says that because he is stuck in Chicago and has no money to travel even a few minute drive requires saving for weeks to get gas money.

    1. He has the loser telemarketing job working for Bart at design engine. He makes small money but he can fuck off all day online and have his laptop running. Laptop is the most important thing in his life. When he was unemployed he sat at Kinkos daily mooching free dial up just so he could chat never looking for work. He makes small money. He talks shit about others who make more than him including his boss.

  2. Not seeing where he said the person was banned. Only disagreeing about Chicago.

    1. He does not always annouce banning. He does it often and for no reason other than he can't debate. Has minimal inteligence and is a loser. Feels threatened by ANYONE who's questions or differs in opinion on ANY subject. It's his way of hiding his ignorance. He's been doing this for years. On Yahoo, MSN, Blackplanet etc. He won't use any forum he can't control content in for fear of people speaking out about him. In this forum we invite all content.

    2. Seems to be much worse these days. He's hyper paranoid and running his groups alone. His party screening process is so intrusive and nosy most people would never even consider it. You are going to travel at your own expense plus hotel and food and you are required to release person information and be interogater to even get basic information. He's afraid of Brett because he banned him for no good reason other than his own insecurity and endless lies.

  3. When Steve feels threated or someone doesn't agree with him the comments are deleted and. The person is banned And is not talked about because it only effects him

    1. Sounds like he has serious insecurity issues.

  4. He sees himself as a global superstar recognized in all countries around world. A celebrity if you will. In the real world he is a no body. He doesn't even have a decent job or place to live or car ( beater).
