
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Steve Glochowsky: Fat Fuck Lunch Special ala Rat


Today we have a light lunch for the rat.

His excellent diet and healthy eating have proven to be wise choices.

He looks ever so young and youthful and "in shape" as he says.

He only eats high FAT high carb food to feed his fat addiction to horrid food.

White fish deep fried in grease or butter, ding*.

Mash potatoes dripping in oil grease and butter, ding*

Green beans are ok but boil them down to kill off all the good amino acids and add butter and salt, ding*

A half a loaf of some bread add butter, ding*

Beverage: Green River: unsweetened carbonated lime juice, yum.

He's eating at the old folks home cafeteria using his AARP discount card.


  1. Yuck just more high calorie saturated fat pig slot for a fat rat I also noticed he has a beer maybe he's kind of an alcoholic himself lol

    1. No that is Green River soda. He claims it's world famous but I asked Chicago locals and no one had heard of it. Tastes like shit too is why. He does drink beer at lunch during working hours so yes he may be becoming an alcoholic or problem drinker himself. His food addiction over eating is out of control.

  2. that second chin is making him look very youthful

  3. What? No African Food Steve?

    Also on the food photos he posts, he always eats ALONE. Nobody at his work will probably go with him.

    1. His boss is always gone out of town unless he's teaching classes in Chicago.

      Steve never would pay for a students lunch so the once a year photo op you see with the students is someone else paying or going dutch.

      Besides that younger men and women want nothing to do with him.

      Oh boy high carb high fat slop lunch now let's go and take a nap.

      He's out of touch with the times and lives lin 1972.

      He thinks VHS is cutting edge technology lmao.

      He doesn't use DVD or own a player.

      The days of a tbone steak for lunch ended 20 years ago but fat ass Steve doesn't know it.
