
Friday, March 28, 2014

Steve BWWM founder Glochowsky: Clubbing advisor

Today the rat boasts himself as an expert on meeting women at clubs.

He will tell men where to go and how to dress etc.

Like most anything else he advises on, he fails himself but claims to be an EXPERT on the topic.

So much so in fact he is the king of failed and fabricated relationships. (3 divorces)

In cases where he wants a relationship with the said woman he will fabricate it online with photo ops, in real life she doesn't want a relationship with him.

In cases where the woman wants a relationship with him, he doesn't want a relationship with her outside of easy sex.

He doesn’t meet women at clubs but he claims he DOES.

He has to stand in line to get a photo with a promoter he’s so popular lmao.

He does so well at these clubs in fact he’s not had a date in years.

He claimed he met the whore Michele Williams at a club but he didn’t he met her on sugardaddie.com website.

Once again porn is posted in his group and not removed after several days. 
Yet he claims PORN is not allowed. He also boasts "high standards". 


  1. "The brothers high five me and ask me if I'm having fun" = The brothers are thinking...Look at stupid old wigger in his cheap red suit and plastic shoes, play on wanna be pimp.

    The see him as a joke and laugh at him. And the only sisters who approach steve are fat pigs.

  2. I still wonder why no one questions him as to why he doesn't have anyone since he has such GREAT advise about how to find black women in night clubs

  3. Wow more porn in his group and we know he Likes it

  4. Women openly laughed at him while we paraded into Sound Bar with his red clown suit on.

    One women ran up to him and laughed in his face and then ran away, a white lady so it was classic and priceless.
