
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Steven Glochowsky: Mooo

Oh and of course his moo cow fan club has chimed in too.

Shooting her ignorant mouth off about how she can do as she pleases.

Ms. Loudmouth Moo Cow Evon should keep her mouth shut.

It’s pretty clear by her size she has no trouble keeping it open most of the time shoveling in food by the truck load moo.

A police officer can ask you for ID at any time for no reason and no you don’t have to be suspected of a crime.

She doubly clowns herself  here because the police were called due to the couple having suspected sex in public so they were investigating a crime.

Another bird brian who can’t read lol.

“If they has no reason for a crime being committed”……..RETARD.

Note her deep hatred toward white people she must include “if this happened to a white women”.

Bullshit I live here moo cow and it happens all the time.

The cops are trained to follow protocol and charley beck already reviewed it stating the officers followed correct procedure.

I guess he is lying too along with the witnesses and the vid from TMZ showing the whole thing.

Shut the piehole you fat cow.


  1. I wonder how her husband puts up with that big mouth of hers

    1. Husband?

      I heard he left her.

      If he is still around he's a putz who never got laid.

      The first chance he got he was pussy whipped for life.

      Yes dear yes dear yes dear.

      Submissive closet homo.
