
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Official BWWM VP: David the pain medication addict and poetic hack

David is Steve's buttboy.

David does nothing but post copy and pasted crap on the group message board.

Many people think he writes the stuff.

Nope copy and paste from other forums, message boards or whatever. (hack)

He can't even used "copy + paste" without fucking it up.

You see this by the half sentence ending of this post, oopsy.

David has a back injury and is on HEAVY pain medication.

David does not leave his home.

David has never attended a wank party in person.

Side kick to the rat and a fraud as well.

Not quite as bad as the rat but running a close second.

Stay away.


  1. Young Black WomanMay 20, 2013 at 4:14 PM

    awww rats only friend

    1. The rat visits him once a year.

      The rat drives 4 hours to attend a free baseball game lmao.

      The guy is such a good friend rat is forced to get a hotel because he doesn't even invite him to stay at his place.

      The rat has been know to come into town and David will not answer his phone or his door.

      A sausage fest.
