
Friday, March 22, 2013

Party of the year 2013: Failure

Wow I know for a fact 3 of his rsvps have canceled.

2 of which are the Nigerians he claimed were flying in.

I hope he is waiting at the airport for a very long time lmao.

The clubs are a joke and hard ghetto.

Anyone can get in for free.

He uses this as a tool to manipulate nieve newcomers.

Like he has a secret connection for VIP at these clubs.

He does not list the clubs for fear of people showing up to kick his fat ass or complaints being sent about him and his wank party haha.

Well it looks like it will be him and another fat guy and whatever whores he pays to show up.


  1. Lmao even people from thousands of miles away can smell a rat

  2. I am told he's blaming "hackers" for his piss poor turn out and interest.

    He claims FB has too many hackers and people are not getting his emails.

    Um no Steve they're getting the emails they just don't care.
