
Thursday, December 26, 2013

Steven Glochowsky: Fine dining is his daily slop

Fine dining in a cheap hotel room with a third world urchin, perfect for the rat.

Not just any food will do, it's high fat high carb grease laden diarrhea lunch sandwiches.

Wow wonder why he is unable to bring her to his apartment?

It's clear now the apartment must not be all that.

Not one photo has been posted with a female inside.


He's not able to perv out and do his filthy fetish activities with the kid around.

I would guess he doesn't even have his own bedroom and sleeps on the sofa.

So now he claims he has his own place but still rents motel rooms like he did for years while living on moms sofa.



  1. The apartment is contaminated dog piss and dog shit.

    Not to mention dog smell in general.

    His kid would never clean it up and for sure he would not.

    The smell combined with his own person stench must be lovely.

    That's another reason he would not bring a women there.

    Horrid pig stye of filth complete with plastic storage containers piled to the ceiling.

  2. guess what's on the menu for today a lard sub she looks totally repulsed looking at that food lol
