
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Steven Glochowsky is bi polar and manic

Today we see he continues to escalate.

Hyper excited and over reacting to a simple pizza date with a woman who does not even live in the country.

When he crashes later he becomes hyper depressed showing he is manic.

If she continues to communicate he will perpetuate the delusion just like he has for years with hundreds of others.

African women are?

One date and he's now an expert on African women too.

What's funny is if you could watch a movie of everything that happened nothing he says is true or real.

He just gets so excited at the idea he makes shit up, lies and flat out fabricates entire scenarios.


  1. lol, his pattern of behavior is so predictable. He gets way over excited, he's definately in the mania phase. He must be extremely lonely to get such a 'high' from 1 pizza dinner. Then he goes on and on about African women marriages. What he should have said was that the divorce rate among interracial couples is lower than non interracial couples. He's so fuckin stupid.

    He'll come up with some bullshit way to promote meeting her, "This years party has ladies coming to Chicago from Africa..BWWM® is now Global" lol

    1. He already did that. He guaranteed not one or two but three Nigerians were all coming to his party in March. He later sighted complications with last minute visas.
