
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Steve Glochowsky: Death By Clown Show

Over time we have confirmed the rat reads this blog.

Running over the course of years and hundreds of posts he has yet to explain any of it.

That’s right folks the rat reads this blog but refuses to address any of it.

What does this tell you?

All the lies posted here are true from the fetus transplant story all the way down.


  1. The Rat enjoys living in his fantasy land, and would probably never own up to his lies unless confronted face to face

    1. Negative Ghost Writer,

      I have confronted him in person.

      He explains away the lies with new lies.

      Examples: It was a long time ago. It was a misunderstanding. I owed child support at one time but the children are all over 18 now. Someone else said it not me.
