
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Steve "Gross Slob" Glochowsky

here is the slop that the rat eats DAILY aka Cow Bait. when questioned on if he eats both at once he is proud to own up to his disgusting eating habits.
what I find sickening is how can someone eat two large meals at one time. 
the rat is always alone so I guess that is why he eats for two. he claims to be very active for his age ,which I call bullshit, unless you count running around like an idiot to baseball signings exercise then theres that


  1. Nasty horrid diet and overall eating health habits.

  2. that makes me sick just looking at all of that

  3. It look like something the dog threw up rather than food.

    Obesity epidemic victim.

  4. He's got to have health problems. It's not normal to eat that much slop. His teeth are rotten too.

    1. He's know for rotting teeth and halitosis butt breath.

      Can you imagine what the bathroom smells like after he uses it?

      Hurl hurl cough cough vomit.

  5. Omg That is nasty looking it just looks like pig slop

  6. He never posts anything about himself exercising, because he doesn't. His stomach has gotten huge over the years. He's almost as fat as those MsAlly, MizzAtticusfinch, heffer's he used to slam.

    Now he is one of them.

    1. Not only that but he's now forced to date cows. Those fatties are the only ones who will come near him. Mainly for free meals not sex or a relationship. The days of his endless demands for 90 pound 23 year olds have come to an end. He never could get those ones anyway so he just pretended through photo ops. Now it's cows the same kind he berated and harassed for years claiming he would never date them. Truth be told those cows don't want him either once they get a taste of the clown show antics.

  7. He's sucking sweet karma for that and other horrid things he's done to many many people over the years. Slowly sinking into his demise of obesity and loneliness. He death will be slow and painful. He will die fat, old and alone.
