
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Steve Glochowsky: cow cosigner

I hate whites. Moo.

He goes on his usual tyrade about how racist Boston is and how the ball team refused to hire blacks.

Same post repeated one thousand times any chance he gets….Oh by the way did you know boston is a racist city?

He has never been to boston either, dolt homer.

Evon the cow chimes in with her white people hating bs. (no body shots)

She’s married to a white guy but hates whites lol.

Hope he has a good therapist for her anger issues.


  1. I feel bad for her husband

  2. Steve has a long history of being ignorant on many facts.

    If you question him online he deletes it to hide.

    You question him in person he lies.

    Old lies and explained away with new lies.

    1. Well coming from a man who insisted a fetus transplant embryo transplant was real.

      The only thing even close to something like that is invetro fertilization which is done directly through the uterus.

      He claims a scare on the abdominal area was "proof" the said transplant took place.

  3. Steve's father was a racist too.

    Steve's brother is a fairy.
