
Monday, July 21, 2014

Steven Edward Glochowsky: Upwardly moblie retard

Mooching a photo op from an employee or vendor also doesn’t count as “meeting black women”.
She’s probably selling stuff and he asked for a tourist photo.
One time photo ops and no dates.None of these women date him or have sex with him.
He’s alone with his rat dog most evenings and weekends.

Today the rat is out of his cage boasting and bragging about how he “meets black women daily”.


I have spent many hours with him in person, at dinners and clubs and in public.

No black women speak to him unless it’s a server.

He may try talking to them but they just walk away.

Laughing in most cases.

He meets “so many” he’s not had a date in years except the nigerian who just wanted a free dinner while she was in town.

1 comment:

  1. the dear john letter his "African Queen" gave was priceless
