
Tuesday, February 26, 2013


One bottle of Grey goose Vodka: $60.00
Suit from the Swap meet : $35.00
stains on your swap meet suit: $5.00
The look of disgust on your whores face:... PRICELESS!!!

A picture is worth a thousand words but this one is worth a thousand laughs


  1. I opted out on that clown show. He lied to several older women to get his free hotel room comp. He showed up late and paraded whores around trying to be pimp daddy...epic fail. Later he promised free VIP and Champagne for all ladies at a club. It was all bullshit and he had to pay cover plus pay VIP bottle service. Her whore friends had to walk home becuase he refused to pay for them to get in.

    1. No the vodka aka "bottle service" as $150. He was forced to split the cost with someone to obtain the VIP seating for the whore parade.

  2. wow can't even pay for a "bottle service" for his own event. what a tight wad

  3. what a loser He is .... LoL
