
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Steve BWWM Glochowsky: Crying bitch

So full of shit, he has time to run around begging autographs.

His mother's died so he's crying for a pitty fuck.

His group is shut down because he has no one who will help him.

He claims to have a huge number of loyal friends.

In his time of grief and need he has zero friends, not one.

He's such a sick bastard he is using her death to advertise for a pitty fuck.

Certain things should be kept private.

Not in his case as long as it draws attention to himself (broadcasting).

He won't even post losing sports scores if his team loses.

I notice however he still has time to approve moderated posts in his group.


Paranoia and internet addiction keep him glued to it.

"When I can devote"?

I bet he's sitting in his telemarketing cubicle right now jerking off.

And since he has his group set to email him of any activity he can approve posts any time.

So in the end the post is proven to be a call for pitty hoping some woman will step up to comfort him.

Not happening. Not now not ever.

Will there be black women at her funeral?

How about the mixed kids?

No blacks were not allowed at the house ever by the hardened racist.

Today we celebrate the world now has one LESS racist bigot to deal with.

Hip hip hooray!

Ding dong the witch is dead. 


  1. He doesn't even have any loving words to say about her on his own personal page, but in all of his groups he post the same long winded message

  2. His cry baby sympathy post got a bunch or replies mostly from nigerians lol.

    Outside of the pitty posting he gets almost no response what so ever.

    He has to share this person private experience online why?

    Because he's using it in an attempt to get a pitty fuck.

  3. We met with?

    He stood in line at an autograph signing lmao.

    Just like the promoters and models he "partyed with"?

    He stood in line for a photo op.

  4. Again lying to any extent to try and make himself look important.

    There was no "meeting".

    There is no baseball contract.

  5. that long wait in line must have stressed him out
