
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Steve Glochowsky: gentlemen do not prefer clown show

“We are serious men”…who is we?

I don’t see any other men around except that fat geek dorko wanna be singer.

You have no dates and have not been with any women longer than a few months in over 20 years.

Who is we?

We is no one.

There is no “we” anything it’s you only.

You have no friends, not even one who support you.

Anytime Steve uses the term “we” it’s an advertising ploy to make you the reader think you are missing something.

Look at the photos, even those are staged and often not even real people.

Koncrete Fridays was plugged the same way “we had a great time”, total turn out 0 and one club patron who peed his pants nothing more. Failure.

There is no “we” it’s just him alone and dateless wanking it.


  1. I think the "We" he is always referring to are him and his imaginary friends

  2. "We" means "I, Me and My" because there is no "we" anything.

    It's all about me.

    I have a huge fan base from all over the world.

    People fly thousands of miles and trudge through snow just to hang with me.

    XJ is delusional and phsyco and getting worse.

  3. Because his deep rooted hatred of white women comes from being repeatedly rejected by his mother.
