
Monday, April 7, 2014

Steve "5,000" Glochowsky

So today Steve has finally hit 5,000 members! whoop-de-doo! 

let's take a look at the numbers shall we.
Out of the 300 + new members only 37 of them are Male members and the remaining 270 members are  Female, there have been a couple of women in his group that notice that there are more women in the group and they are correct.

Steve is only using the group as a tool so he can find someone for himself even though no one is or has been interested in him for a while. he is too cheap to go on and pay for a  regular dating site to find women so he uses Facebook as a free resource to look for his next fabricated relationship/ photo op.

Let's take a deeper look and see what kind of women he added to his group: 
Here we have a TEEN MOTHER in his group and from  deeper inspection of her photos she is indeed still in High school

This one comes off as a bit surprise since Steve HATES white women and doesn't Like blonde hair but yet he adds here to a group that caters to BLACK women and WHITE men, also steve states that he doesn't add anyone with less than a year of activity on their page and this women Just made her profile only a few months ago

Steve has also added a woman who appears to have made a Facebook profile only for her young children.

steve claims he doesn't add people just for numbers and properly screens his members but we know that is complete BULLSHIT!

Good Job on screening your members Steve.


  1. LOL report abuse and adding minors to a porn filled adult group.


  2. All those numbers are bullshit..all to give the phony appearance of a big group.

    Just like when he would add a bunch of hotmail addresses to his Yahoo Groups years ago.

  3. funny that on the like page him and his African Queen are still a couple

  4. Since his mother rejected him from birth he was treated as an outcast burden and retard. I bet his mother was a natural blond. His deep resentment toward blond women goes back to him being rejected and even abused by his own mother. During the potty training years he developed more resentment. As a young man he learned he could get sex from black women with a few extra dollars from his paper route. He then became addicted to black prostitutes for easy sex. Later when ridiculed and harassed about it he became falsely overly defensive coming up with "I only date black women" and "Gentlemen do not prefer blonds".

  5. I went to one of his parties and no one wanted to go clubbing with him.

    We stayed at the hotel and he went out alone.

    Later I was told the said club venue was closed, surprise.

  6. Captain clown show plastic shoes has been caught again lol.

    His group is a lie along with the rest of his worthless pathetic life.

    Doomed to a day to day existence from his telemarketing cubicle he dreams of money and hot black women.
