
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Steve Glochowsky is Adolf Hitler

Alfred E. Newman

Speaking for hundreds of men in his group he declares "white men in this group don't want black mans rejects".

In his case it doesn't matter what he wants because he gets nothing and will shut up and suck it.

That would also imply if a black women was with a black man in the past he would shun her.

That was his big selling point in the past for age gap relationships "mature men have gotten it out of their systems".

Gotten what out of their systems? Enjoying women you mean?

If someone is able to enjoy women why is that so wrong?

Maybe because you can't do it and are jealous wishing you were someone else?

Your mature geriatric ass can't get any woman period so wtf are you talking about?

Since 23 year olds want a 62 year old fat fuck as you can see they're lined up to get a date with him.

"Don't come to me" he says.

No women are coming to you, not from the past not now not ever.

A few ideas for XJ to improve his current chances of ever finding a mate:

1., Hire a trainer and get into decent shape you fat fuck.

2., Get cosmetic surgery at any cost to improve your Alfred E Newman looks.

3., Hire a dentist to fix the horrid brown/yellow chipped teeth and halitosis butt breath.

4., Learn how to dress. This includes dumping the horrid clown costume zuit suits.

5., Seek psychiatric help for your mental illness.

In the past Steve whined about men who dated several different women at a time saying "you know how these guys are" lmao jealous much?

One model had a boyfriend who had others on the side and he cried and bitched about that too.

In a free country anyone can do anything they choose and you have no say in the matter.

More to the point it's none of your business.

If you broadcast your life on message boards don't be surprised when you get called out.

In a case of public information you have no right to tell anyone not to comment or ask questions.

If you make a habit of lying don't be surprised when you get caught.

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