
Friday, January 17, 2014

Steve lardass Glochowsky: sushi not

Here today the rat is posting his daily slop food again.

He boasts and brags about eating lunch alone lol yes alone.

He's so ignorant he doesn't even know what sushi is.

Sushi is raw fish with rice, sashimi is raw fish.

What he's eating is gringo sushi rolls which are all cooked fish lmao.

Those rolls are loaded down with extra fat including avocado and mayo slathered on top.

They market this stuff to the nieve American market because fat fucks like him do not feel full unless they have a large amount of FAT included in their meal.

So the japs invented gringo american sushi aka california roll etc.

Cooked crab meat, cucumber, rice, avocado with mayo.

His healthy sushi meal has as much fat and carbs as a full Mcdonalds super size meal.

He's too much of a puss to eat the real sushi and would run away like the coward he is.

The japs are smart, they created a whole market for the americans and none of it has any raw fish, none it's all cooked.

1 comment:

  1. Ya it's not sushi it's high fat high carb slop live everything else he shovels into his fat face.
