
Saturday, January 25, 2014


Earlier there was a warning to others about Steve and what his true intentions are. we congratulate this person in warning his members but doubt many have seen this due to the fact of the post being deleted, by Steve, soon after being posted. Steve hides this information from his "followers" so he can keep his "good guy" persona. he doesn't want to be exposed for the true sick pervert he is. 

we have documented proof that this is not the first time he has tried to push himself onto a woman already involved in a relationship. it's sick to think that to this disgusting man No doesn't mean NO, to him that No means "let me try to persuade you to saying yes". what's even more scary about this is imagine being in the same room as him and you were to say no to this disgusting pig.. I think I might know what will happen.. do you?

He needs to be stopped!

Response from Mimi Rogers on this post. Can you say ftard? Even the admin calls her attention to the 100 other screen shots of him and his antics lol.


  1. This has been going on for years and years.

    Steve's only reason for having his group is as his own personal dating service.

    He's got no game and is repeatedly rejected.

    All this creepy behavior is done behind the scenes and any evidence is wiped clean daily.

    He monitors his group 24/7 with his laptop and cell phone.

    Any group activity will trigger an alert be sent to his phone so he can remove any post while on the fly or at his laptop.

    1. He's a coward and in person just as spineless, even more so.

      I have witnessed women laughing at him in public as they walk away, he says nothing.

      Alone he's just a worm.

      He may or may not be capable of criminal violent acts.

      He's more of a closet creeper like if he hires a hooker so he can perv out type thing.

      You never know.
